Health Communication
Students with this credential have demonstrated an understanding of communication theories and applied communication theories to changing health behavior. They know how communication campaigns are developed, implemented, and evaluated and have demonstrated the ability to effectively communicate with professionals, community members, and clients.
Program Requirements: Students will take 12 credits of classes. At least 6 credits must be within the Department of Behavioral and Community Health and 6 credits may be taken outside the department. No more than 6 credits of independent study may be used, and must be separated into two different content areas. Students must earn a C- or higher in each of the courses.
Approved courses
Applicable HLTH Coursework
(at least 2 courses):
- HLTH234: Global Health Messages
- HLTH352: Portrayal of Drug Use and Addiction on Screen: Does Hollywood Get it Right?
- HLTH371: Communicating Health and Safety
- HLTH431: Health Literacy in Action
- HLTH434: Introduction to Public Health Informatics
- HLTH498T: Medical Terminology
- Guided Independent Study with DBCH faculty
General examples of applicable classes that could be taken outside of the major (maximum of 2 courses):
- COMM107: Oral Communication-Principles and Practices
- COMM324: Communication and Gender
- COMM382: Essentials of Intercultural Communication
- COMM 398E: Health Communication
- FMSC280: Global, Child, and Family Health: Getting There Via ECommunications
- INST 152: Fake Checking: Battling Misinformation in the Real World
- INST 155: Social Networking
- INST 402: Designing Patient-Centered Technologies
- JOUR 150: Intro to Mass Media Communication
- JOUR 175: Media Literacy
- SPAN371: Spanish for the Health Professions
- THET285: The Art of Communication and Presentation
- WMST452: Women in the Media
PEER Education: 3 credits
For more information: School of Public Health or email