Public Health Risk Behavior
Students with this credential understand health risks associated with specific patterns of behavior, why people engage in health risk behaviors, and methods of prevention. Students can identify theoretical constructs to explain health behaviors and develop strategies for harm reduction and/or prevention of disease.
Program Requirements: Students will take 12 credits of classes. At least 6 credits must be within the Department of Behavioral and Community Health and 6 credits may be taken outside the department. No more than 6 credits of independent study may be used, and must be separated into two different content areas. Students must earn a C- or higher in each of the courses.
Approved courses
Applicable HLTH Coursework (at least 2 courses):
- HLTH106: Drug Use and Abuse
- HLTH242: Sex in the City
- HLTH246: The U.S. Tobacco Epidemic
- HLTH285: Controlling Stress and Tension
- HLTH352: Portrayal of Drug Use and Addiction on Screen: Does Hollywood Get it Right?
- HLTH374: Drugged, Drowsy, and Distracted Driving: Traffic Safety Issues for the New Millennium
- HLTH377: Human Sexuality
- HLTH476: Death Education
- Guided Independent Study with DBCH faculty person (must be approved)
General examples of applicable classes that could be taken outside of the major (maximum of 2 courses):
- CCJS225: Responses to Violence
- CCJS 325: Slavery in the 21st Century: Combatting Human Trafficking
- CCJS346: Domestic Violence
- EDCP 210: Peer Counseling Skills and Mental Health Advocacy
- EDHD320: Human Development Through the Life Span
- ENST 233: Introduction to Environmental Health
- FMSC170: Future of Families-Issues and Controversies
- FMSC431: Family Crises and Intervention
- FMSC460: Violence in Families
- EDHD221: Aggression and Violence in Everyday Life: Can Violence be Prevented?
- KNES 286: Empowering Healthy Physical Activity
- KNES 350: The Psychology of Sport and Exercise
- KNES 360: Physiology of Exercise
- KNES 498J:Special Topics in Kinesiology; Equity & Diversity: Contemporary Issues in Physical Activity Participation & Health
- NFSC 100: Elements of Nutrition
- NFSC 103: Nutrition and Sports Performance
- NFSC 220: Diet-Is It a Cause or Solution?
- NFSC 315: Nutrition Through the Life Cycle
- NFSC 470: Community Nutrition (NFSC 315 is a pre-req)
- NFSC 498L: Special Topics: Diet and Optimal Human Health
- NFSC 498M: Study Abroad: Health Implications of the Mediterranean Diet and Culture
- PSYC 318D: Community Interventions: Theory and Research; Community Interventions: Domestic Violence
- PSYC 319D: Community Interventions: Service Learning
- PSYC 346: Death, Dying and Grieving: What Future Healthcare Professionals Need to Know
- SOCY 227: Introduction to the Study of Deviance
- SOCY 236: Gender and Health
- SOCY 335/4891: Sociology of Health and Illness
- SOCY 398A: Special Topics in Sociology: Sociology of Health and Illness
- SOCY 413: Sociology of Aging
- SOCY 4980: Sociology of Mental Health
- URSP 250: The Sustainable City: Exploring Opportunities and Change
PEER Education: 3 credits
For more information: School of Public Health or email